PALGANTONG是DODO公司旗下的品牌,1999年由DODO company所发表上市,即不断受到消费者的喜爱,也屡屡创下最佳商品和年度热门产品评监大赏等殊荣,在日本更是创下傲人的销售成绩,平均每天可以售出15000个蜜粉,已成为日本的当红商品,在韩国每5位女性就有4位用过PALGANTONG面具蜜粉,更是韩国女星的最爱。为满足女仕们的需要,PALGANTONG更增添睫毛液及粉饼,让每位女仕都可以如明星般漂亮。
下面是对他的介绍:PALGANTONG is developed under dodo company since 1999. The most popular product is Theatrical powder which gain reputation with award from shops and magazines. In Japan, average 15000 boxes were sold. It is very popular among Koran Movie Stars and 4 out of 5 Korean ladies had tried this amazing power. To satisfy the need of the customers, mascara and press powder were now available