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Who is Skindinävia?
We are a small, innovative cosmetics manufacturer founded in 2004 with the sole purpose of keeping your makeup looking perfect for 16 hours. We are proud to be known as “The Original Makeup Saver.” We are based and manufacture proudly in the United States just outside of Boston, Massachusetts.

What is our philosophy?
We are a private company that answers only to our customers. Skindinävia has no shareholders and is here to serve you. We believe that well applied makeup makes a great first impression. We use the most innovative and highest quality ingredients available. Every Skindinävia employee has tried all our products.

Where do our ideas come from?
Our product ideas come from asking over 1,000 women how they thought their makeup could look better. We spend most our time talking to the women who wear and love makeup. We have feedback from lots of everyday women and even a few celebrities you might know. The most common areas of concern are based around looking aged, shiny, and loss of color.

Who uses Skindinävia products?
Mostly everyday women and a few names we can’t tell you. We are sold professionally in Hollywood, Broadway, and Las Vegas and are consistently used on multiple movie sets and major stage performances. Celebrities use Skindinävia Makeup Finishes to keep makeup fresh under hot lights, during very active use, and to minimize touch ups. We have been featured on the NBC Today Show where our mists were proclaimed a “kind of genius” and in Vogue Magazine as a 2009 “Top 10.”

[ 经典系列 ]CLASSIC
[ 产品分类 ]PRODUCT


[ 热门品牌 ]HOT